Saturday, October 16, 2004


Due to my frustration with the political scene here in the USA, I realize that many of my posts seem pretty angry. Well, I'd like to note that I'm not always an angry person and I do indeed have a softer side. Today, I will give you a glimpse into that softer side, before I begin my literary assault the Issues that should affect this year's Presidential Election.

For a few years now, the 3rd Saturday in October has been designated, by Hallmark as "Sweetest Day." I first became aware of this "Hallmark Holiday" while I was in High School. I have always found it quite interesting that a card company could implement the birth of an unofficial holiday, and have that holiday become legitimately prominent. Now that's influence!

Sweetest Day, in my best estimation, is merely a marketing ploy by Hallmark (and a darn good one) to increase sales and to maybe sell off leftover "Love Cards" just prior to the big holiday season. It serves as a makeshift Valentine's Day, if you will; a chance/reason to tell your significant other that you love them, exchange cards, boxes of chocolates and flowers, and to get laid!

Today, we've reached that 3rd Saturday, and I celebrate it legitimately for the first time since I became aware of it. In years past, on this day, the only significant lady in my life was my Mother, who happens to be a widow. So, I have (and will continue to) sent her cards and sometimes flowers on this day to let her know that she is yet loved and appreciated. However, this year there is someone else...

Yes, that's right, the turbulent storm of a man, known to you as Maelstrom, has a significant other. She's the seasoning on my fried chicken, the caramel in my Twix, the music in my head, and the sunshine in my day. She is the ubiquitous notion in everything that I do.

She keeps me focused, and makes sure that everything I do is up to par. She certainly reads everyone one of the blogs that I've posted here, and is my number one supporter. However, if she thinks what I've written isn't great (yes, even good isn't good enough for her), she wastes no time and spares no words letting me know about it.

She listens to, loves, and appreciates the music that I make (I play the Sax-haven't you read my profile?). Each word I write, not only here but elsewhere, she takes into account and understands the passion from whence each word comes. Every venture that I passionately pursue, she whole-heartedly supports.

She is surely one of the most caring and giving people I have ever met. All of her friends look to her for advice and support in times of need. She denies no one, and speaks to all with delicate concern. She yet maintains her humility and is incredibly meek.

She is a pleasure to be around. I enjoy her sense of humor and her bright, beaming smile. The world of music that we both enjoy is amazing, and she has introduced me to many other musical avenues that I also delight in.

From the crown of her head to the soles of her feet, I think she is beautiful. From her hair to her eyes to the amazing silhouette of her physical form below, all I can say is wow!

Though we are hundreds of miles away from each other, just the sound of her voice from her cell phone mouthpiece to my receiver comforts me.

It's funny to sit here and think about me writing this today, knowing the events that have transpired in the last few days. Events that have undoubtedly put a limit on the length of time that me and my Damn Fine Woman have together, despite Love. It is certainly like a cruel page out of a very tragic romance novel; to Love someone and have them Love you back, but to never be able to realize the full depths of what that Love has to offer.

So is our situation. I believe it was Ernest Hemingway that aptly noted that "If two people are truly in love, then it cannot end happily." Though he was probably referring to death, that truth certainly applies to our situation. As a result, my heart and soul are bleeding a river of blood that I don't know will ever stop growing. And the worst part is that it seems they'll bleed it all alone.

To my DFWGF, I want you to know, whatever transpires in the coming days, that I will always cherish our relationship, and I do hope that we will continue to be best friends until the end of time. I thank you for everything that we've been able to share together. I will love you always... always!

I Love You,

ps: Happy Sweetest Day

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