Wednesday, October 20, 2004

"The Issues" Blogs

For those of you out there who have read my blogs on a consistent basis, I'm sure that you're aware that I'm not particularly pleased with this year's Presidential Election race. My biggest problem is that the real issues that affect everyday life here on the homefront are rarely ever discussed, and some have had less air-time than Janet Jackson's breast during last year's Superbowl Halftime Show.

Since these issues aren't given any attention (but certainly affect our daily lives), people will go to the poles and vote ignorantly on November 2nd. It is my belief that it is worse for someone to go to the poles ignorant and vote, than for that same ignorant person to not vote at all. If you don't know what you are voting for and why it matters or is important, then you could be potentially hurting your ownself in ways that you aren't even aware of.

I must admit, in spite of the fact that I spend numerous hours each day exploring countless news stories, that I don't fully understand some of the political terminologies that I hear all of the time. I have only a partial understanding of what it means to "privatize Social Security," and I don't know that much about "Medicare and Health Care Premiums." Though I've followed Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan's monetary maneuvers for a decade, I don't fully understand the impact of cutting interests rates. So, despite my above average political knowledge (oh, I can toot my own horn on my own blog), there are still many aspects of the political scene that I don't understand.

My mother has engrained in me the notion that both Communication and Education are Key. With that in mind, I shall take it upon myself to further educate myself on these important issues, and then communicate the knowledge that I obtain to the readers here.

The format that I will use in disseminating this knowledge shall go as follows:
1. Introduce the Issue and Describe its History
2. Describe the Status of the Issue as it Stands Today
3. Describe the 2 Major Candidate's Stances on the Issue
4. Give My Opinion on the Candidate's Stances

Hopefully by using this format, you will be both educated as to what an issue is and how each Candidate's proposals on that issue will affect the direction of this country. I'll give my opinion just cuz this is my blog and I can do that (not that you have to agree or anything).

There are numerous issues out there that really matter, so I may not get to fully analyze all of them, but I'll get to as many as is possible. With that being said, let the learning begin!


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