Smith, a 26-year-old widow who was taken hostage by Nichols, calmly spoke to him and even read passages from the book “A Purpose Driven Life” to him. While taken hostage, Smith worked to gain Nichols' trust and looked for her chance to either escape or call 911. When the opportunity apprised itself, she escaped and immediately called the cops. Nichols was brought to justice shortly thereafter, and Ashley Smith has been touted as a hero ever-since.
So, I’d like to continue this blog by stating what should be obvious to the entire world:
I can’t explain in mere words how frustrating it has been for me to watch this lady be glorified for doing what anyone would have done in her situation. In fact, she only did what dozens and dozens of people in this country do when in her situation: she tried to save her butt by any means necessary, and then called 911.
I guess I’m not upset with her, but rather with the media. This incident should not have been covered as extensively as it was. It was not a “shut down every news station and report on this for 36 straight hours” kind of occurrence, even though that’s what happened. As I flipped through MSNBC, CNN, FOX News, etc., this was the only thing on all day despite the fact that Congress was passing incredibly important Bills, new atrocities were being reported with respect to Prison Abuse in Iraq, and many other very important events were taking place domestically and internationally.
Next thing I know, this so-called hero is appearing on all of those news stations, in magazines, and even got the cover story of People Magazine. Then to top it off, the State of Georgia and City of Atlanta awarded her over $70,000 for bringing in a criminal.
Now hold up!!!
It’s not like she wrestled Brian Nichols down to the ground, took his gun, and dragged him to the nearest police station. She tried not to piss him off, got in a car, and called 911. Isn’t that what all of us are taught to do when there’s trouble; call 911? 3-year-olds know to do that.
And yes, maybe it was a good idea to read a book to the guy, but trust me, that’s not why he didn’t kill her. By her own admission, Brian Nichols had no intentions of hurting or killing anyone else. And I quote:
“He said, "I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt anybody else, so
please don't do anything that's going to hurt you." He said, "You know, somebody
could have heard your scream already. And if they did, the police are on the
way. And I'm going to have to hold you hostage. And I'm going to have to kill
you and probably myself and lots of other people. And I don't want that."
And I said, "OK. I will do what you say."
There it is, from the horse’s mouth!
So I wish the media would quit trying to imply that it was her brilliance that kept him from continuing his rampage. His murdering spree was over before he entered her dwelling.
I honestly think we need to assess how we classify or label our heroes these days. It seems like it’s too easy to be a hero, garner all the acclaim, get all the praise and credit (even monetary awards and book offers which bring in more money; cuz trust me, her book will be appearing at a Walmart near you soon-if not a made for TV movie), but do little more (and sometimes no more) than what the average man has already done or would do in a similar situation.
And I really hate to do this, but this is an all-too familiar sight in this nation, so I must. That’s right; I’m pulling the proverbial “race-card,”
It is absolutely not lost on me that here we are once again glorifying a Blonde-Haired White woman who has saved the nation from a vicious predator who just happened to be a Black man. Not that this man wasn’t vicious, but I honestly wonder had he wound up at the doorstep of a 26 year-old black man or woman who did the same thing that Smith did, would their pocketbook be $70,000 heavier today. Would there be monetary awards if the perpertrator was a White man and the hostage a Black woman???
This situation isn’t unlike two years ago when we watched the nation virtually laud Jessica Lynch (also White and Blonde-Haired) into Sainthood for being RESCUED in Iraq. Certainly she should be praised for her service and courageousness in fighting for this nation, but for some reason I don’t recall being rescued as one of the major virtues of a hero. The real hero in her case was the Iraqi man that pointed out to US troops where she had been taken after being captured. But for some reason we still don’t know who that guy is. I wonder why???
My point is simply this; Ashley Smith’s actions were by no means unique or extraordinary, and certainly not heroic. Murderers/Criminals hold hostages way too often in the USA, but are later captured as a result of 911 calls that their hostages made. So what makes her so special? The next time that we praise someone in the fashion that we have exalted Ashley Smith, they better have at least done something really amazing as to warrant such glowing attention.
Gosh, we have got some serious precedence issues in this country!!!